About the project
The aviation sector faces many challenges, such as achieving technological breakthroughs, reducing its environmental impact, and increasing the sector’s workforce skills; while complying with new EU policies and priorities such as the European Green Deal, the new European industrial policy as well as the European digital strategy.
The European aviation sector requires a policy-driven research and innovation framework to facilitate technological advancements, minimize its environmental footprint, and adhere to new EU policies and priorities. To fulfill these objectives, the PULSAR project, funded by
the EU, assists European policymakers in identifying crucial aviation research initiatives beyond 2050. These efforts address environmental targets, associated regulations, and the expectations of European citizens.
Moreover, PULSAR aims to develop a European Aviation R&I Roadmap by considering various environmental aspects, such as aviation noise and emissions as well as their impact on climate change and local air quality. Additionally, the project establishes an educational roadmap that aims to guide the training of future experts in sustainable aviation, while effectively communicating the industry's environmental initiatives to citizens.
The primary goal of PULSAR is to support European policymakers in identifying the key aviation research efforts to carry out until 2050 and beyond, with respect to environmental objectives, associated regulations, and expectations of the European citizens. PULSAR's main tasks include developing a European Aviation R&I Roadmap and providing associated recommendations. The project focuses on the environmental aspects of the overall roadmap, i.e. on technologies that may affect aviation noise and emissions, both for impacts on climate (CO2 and non-CO2 effects) and for Local Air Quality (LAQ). The project also aims at fostering the connection of aviation R&I with education and skills and communicating about European aviation R&I to citizens and relevant stakeholders.
PULSAR will deliver
• A R&I roadmap assessing the impact of technologies on environmental issues and stating the R&I effort needed to achieve environmental goals;
• An educational roadmap to guide the training of future experts for sustainable aviation;
• A thorough communication towards citizens on how the sector is committed to lowering its environmental footprint;
• A European platform for Environmental Aviation, embedding all project outputs, being an open-access reference for environmental aviation.
Key figures
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