Project partners
Through our strategic partnership, we bring together a diverse consortium of experts and organisations, each contributing with their unique expertise and knowledge to redefine the future of aviation. PULSAR gathers 12 partners from 5 EU Member States and the UK. The consortium consists of leading research institutions, academia, industry pioneers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as European expert associations, all united in their commitment to driving progress and shaping a sustainable aviation landscape.

the French aerospace research centre, aims to support the competitiveness of the national and European aeronautics, space and defence industries. ONERA is the PULSAR project coordinator, and is in charge of the general coordination of the consortium, and it also supports the research and innovation roadmap set-up.
designs and manufactures aircraft, aircraft parts, systems, equipment and derivative products, and also provides services in the field of aeronautics. In PULSAR, Airbus assesses technologies and their contribution to the environmental objectives, at technology level and also contributes to the roadmap set-up.
provides consulting services and amongst others, it develops noise prediction software, especially for the assessment of noise reduction technologies, in support of policy making and the development of noise research roadmaps. ANOTEC leads task 4.1 and is in charge of enriching and running its Aviation Management Toolchain for simulating scenarios.
a French aerospace engine manufacturer and a subsidiary of Safran. It designs, makes and maintains engines for commercial and military aircraft as well as rocket engines for launch vehicles and satellites. In PULSAR, SAE leads WP4 and specifically task 4.2 on qualitative assessments.
the German national research center for aeronautics and space. The participating institutes provide a wide expertise in aircraft noise and emission research and on assessment of novel aircraft configurations. DLR is in charge of identifying and characterizing disruptive technologies and also contributes to the process of identifying most of the enablers, individually and holistically.
the Airport Regions Council, is an association representing over 30 airport regions from 16 countries, gathering approximately half of the European air traffic. In PULSAR, ARC leads the communication and dissemination activities at the core of the project.
(UK) part of Rolls-Royce Aerospace Group. It supports a global network of 29 University Technology Centres (UTCs), which connect the company’s engineers with the forefront of scientific research. Within PULSAR, RRUK brings their expertise on scenarios, on SAF and disruptive technologies and contributes to aviation research and innovation roadmap set-up.
the Netherlands Aerospace Centre, works towards a more sustainable and safer world, with efficient and effective aerospace operations. NLR has a strong presence in building roadmaps for governments and industry, as well as scenario and policy analysis tools. NLR leads the PULSAR scenario definition activities.
an SME specialised in innovation and European project set-up and implementation, with a long track record in EU project management. In PULSAR, Erdyn supports the consortium and project management.
the Metropolitan Manchester University, is a recognised university with outstanding research activity. In PULSAR, MMU leads task 2.2 on metrics and indicators, the emissions aspect of the educational roadmap, and contributes to technology and global assessments.
University of Southampton, is one of the top 100 universities in the world university rankings. Resting on its extensive experience in aeroacoustic research projects, UoS leads tasks 3.1 and 3.3 on technology database building, as well as task 5.2 on education.
(Germany) part of the Rolls-Royce Aerospace Group and is responsible for the design, development, certification, manufacture, service and overhaul of aero-engines with the particular focus on large business jet applications. Within PULSAR, RRD expertise contributes to developing future sustainable business jet engine applications.

PULSAR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101095395. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.